Monday, August 25, 2008

Life Under the Vulcan Sun Vol. 3, Best of Summer 2008

My gracious, working at the law firm on Mondays can be dreadfully boring... At least I have memories of a delightful Vietnamese dinner to reflect upon... Since I have tired of attempting to write support letters (which preface a phone call, which preface a face-toface meeting...), here is my best of summer mix. If you want a spin, let me know...

1. Andrew Bird “Oh, Sister” (Bob Dylan)
2. Amos Lee “Listen”
3. Liam Finn “Second Chance”
4. Beck “Modern Guilt”
5. Son Lux “Betray”
6. Coldplay “Cemeteries of London”
7. Fleet Foxes “Ragged Wood”
8. Wild Sweet Orange “An Atlas to Follow”
9. Death Cab for Cutie “You Can Do Better Than Me”
10.Joshua James “Abbie Martin”
11. Blind Pilot “The Story I Heard”
12. Emily Wells “Symphony 6: Fair Thee Well & The Requiem Mix”
13. Death Cab for Cutie “I Will Possess Your Heart”
14. Bon Iver “Skinny Love”
15. Coldplay “Violet Hill”
16. Emily Wells “Symphony 8 & the Canary’s Last Take”
17. Amos Lee “Better Days”
18. Katie Herzig “Forevermore”
19. Ola Podrida “Atmosphere” (Joy Division)
20. Man Man “Top Drawer”

Two videos guaranteed to make you hurt & laugh: Slap Fight & Too Smart for Strangers by Winnie the Pooh.

And, just in case you haven't heard, David Blaine's latest trick: to spend twelve sleepless nights

1 comment:

Elaine Davis said...

I want one! And, man that Vietnamese food was SO good. i can't stop reflecting on it as well.