Thursday, March 27, 2008

Songs of Hope

In the spirit of the mountains, here is a link to download the bluegrass night of worship at Campus Outreach at Samford on March 11, 2008. I apologize that the tracks are not split up, but I don't really know how to do that just yet... The featured players: Keith Davis (banjo), Ryan Warden (miscellaneous hand-struck instruments & intricate third-part harmonies), Alyson Snow (vocals), Trey Wagoner (improvisational violin/fiddle action), Cliff Cook (mandolin), and myself (vocals & guitar). We played "Come Thou Fount, "On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand," "Amazing Grace," "O Love That Will Not Let Me Go/I'll Fly Away," and "O Praise Him." It's not the best quality, we don't mesh all that well at times, but it's bluegrass, so it's beautiful, it's fun, and it speaks to the soul. Enjoy.

Quotes of the Day:

"Our life is a faint tracing on the surface of mystery, like the idle, curved tunnels of leaf miners on the face of a leaf. We must somehow take a wider view, look at the whole landscape, really see it, and describe what's going on here. Then we can at least wail the right question into the swaddling band of darkness, or, if it comes to that, choir the proper praise." -Annie Dillard

"The end of wisdom is design; the end of goodness is doing good. To suppose these perfections not to be exerted would be to represent them as insignificant. Of what use would God's wisdom be, if it had nothing to design or direct? To what purpose his almightiness, if it never brought anything to pass? And of what avail his goodness, if it never did any good?" -G. Tennent

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